
Parties cooperate to sign a message together

Signing a message is a procedure which starts from the mobile phone and it is an interactive protocol as key generation protocol. The protocol we are using is from section 3.3 By the end of the protocol the party who initiated the sign request on a message has the ECDSA signature on the message.

let message = "Hello world!";

// Generate a random session id.
let session_id = SessionId::random();

// Create signer instances for each participant.
let p1signer = P1Signer::new(session_id, keyshare1, message);
let p2signer = P2Signer::new(session_id, keyshare2, message);

// Round 1
let (p1signer, msg1) = p1signer.process(())?;
let (p2signer, msg2) = p2signer.process(msg1)?;

// Round 2
let (p1signer, msg3) = p1signer.process(msg2)?;
let (p2signer, msg4) = p2signer.process(msg3)?;

// Round 3
let msg5 = p1signer.process(msg4)?;
let sign = p2signer.process(msg5)?;

// Distributed signing is complete!

assert!(msg5.sign == sign)

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