Key Rotation

Key rotation boosts the security of a system relying on secret key material. That been said secret shards for each party keys are refreshed and old keys even on hands of non authorized users are useless. Specially in a wallet the key property during key rotation is the need to rotate the secret shards of each party while keeping the public key the same which represents the wallet address. The idea behind the protocol is for both parties to agree on a common randomness seed R which is computed interactively as a two party coin tossing protocol. After that each party updates its secret key shard as x1'= x1 op R and x2'= x2 inv.op R such that public key remains the same

The following details how the new shards are generated using our bindings.

/// After keygen is performed
let (keyshare1, keyshare2) = perform_keygen().unwrap();
let session_id = SessionId::random();

/// Create refresh instances for each participant using the respective keyshares.
let p1 = keyshare1.get_refresh_instance(session_id);
let p2 = keyshare2.get_refresh_instance(session_id);

// Round 1
let (p1, msg1) = p1.process(())?;
let (p2, msg2) = p2.process(msg1)?;

// Round 2
let (new_keyshare1, msg3) = p1.process(msg2)?;
let new_keyshare2 = p2.process(msg3)?;

assert_eq!(new_keyshare1.public_key, new_keyshare2.public_key);
assert_eq!(new_keyshare1.public_key, keyshare1.public_key);
assert_eq!(new_keyshare2.public_key, keyshare2.public_key);


println!("Successfully refreshed keyshare!");

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