ECDSAP1PartyKeys class

This class is used for current SDK user identity. The core SDK and cloud-node uses to authenticate the user for the two-party MPC actions.


import { ECDSAP1PartyKeys } from '@silencelaboratories/react-native-two-party-ecdsa';


The all methods are interacted with React-Native's NativeModules and return a Promise that resolves to the result of the operation.

The most string parameters and return values are base64 encoded and prefixed.

Create a new key pair

static async create(): Promise<ECDSAP1PartyKeys>

// Example usage
const keys = await ECDSAP1PartyKeys.create();

Get public key of the key pair in base64 string

async extractPk(): Promise<string>;

// Example usage
const publicKey = await keys.extractPk();
  • This public key is used for generating the user_token's JWT.

Get base64 string representation of the key pair

async toBase64String(): Promise<string>;

// Example usage
const base64Keys = await keys.toBase64String();

Create a key pair from base64 string

static async fromBase64String(base64Keys: string): Promise<ECDSAP1PartyKeys>;

// Example usage
const keys = await ECDSAP1PartyKeys.fromBase64String(base64Keys);

Get the bytes representation of the key pair

async toBytes(): Promise<Uint8Array>;

// Example usage
const bytes = await keys.toBytes();

Create a key pair from bytes

static async fromBytes(bytes: Uint8Array): Promise<ECDSAP1PartyKeys>;

// Example usage
const keys = await ECDSAP1PartyKeys.fromBytes(bytes);

Last updated