ECDSAP1KeyshareV2 class

This class contains the ECDSA cryptographic information in low-level APIs for the two-party MPC, and high-level JS APIs for the mobile application to consume.


import { ECDSAP1KeyshareV2 } from '@silencelaboratories/react-native-two-party-ecdsa';


The all methods are interacted with React-Native's NativeModules and return a Promise that resolves to the result of the operation.

The most string parameters and return values are base64 encoded and prefixed.

Get public key of the key share in base64 string

async getPublicKey(): Promise<string>;

// Example usage
const publicKey = await keyshare.getPublicKey();

Get key id of the key share in base64 string

async getKeyId(): Promise<string>

// Example usage
const keyId = await keyshare.getKeyId();

Get base64 string representation of the key share

async toBase64String(): Promise<string>;

// Example usage
const base64Keyshare = await keyshare.toBase64String();

Create a key share from base64 string

static async fromBase64String(base64Keyshare: string): Promise<ECDSAP1KeyshareV2>;

// Example usage
const keyshare = await ECDSAP1KeyshareV2.fromBase64String(base64Keyshare);

Get the bytes representation of the key pair

async toBytes(): Promise<Uint8Array>;

// Example usage
const bytes = await keyshare.toBytes();

Create a key share from bytes

static async fromBytes(bytes: Uint8Array): Promise<ECDSAP1KeyshareV2>;

// Example usage
const keyshare = await ECDSAP1KeyshareV2.fromBytes(bytes);

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