Silent Shard Duo SDK Example

Party 1: User mobile phone Remote Server - Party 2: Remote Server

Party 1: User mobile phone Remote Server - Party 2: Remote ServerWe will demonstrate how a dev can use our Silent Shard Duo Server SDK with Silent Shard Duo RN SDK to deploy a 2 party ECDSA infrastructure where party 1 is with the user mobile phone and party 2 is a remote server which can be deployed in a cloud infrastructure for example


  1. User (Phone App): Party 1 in the 2 party setting. The client uses Silent Shard Duo JS SDK to establish a secure secret key with its counterparty: the server .

  2. Admin: A company-managed component responsible for user authentication and managing party 1: the server node.

  3. Server Node: Party 2 in the two party setting running Silent Shard Duo server SDK

General architecture

User Responsibility: Users are advised to follow best practices for security. Any compromise on the user's end will not jeopardise the entire wallet.

Client Actions

Users can engage in two types of actions:

  • 2 Party MPC Actions: These involve a series of communications between the user and the server to establish a secure key - which is never reconstructed in one place and one shard is kept client side and the other one server side

  • Helper Actions: Simple requests to the server for tasks like key labelling, key information etc. These do not require extensive communication.


Authentication is handled by the separate server side Admin component. The Admin, along with the server node, is managed by the server. The authentication method is chosen by the company controlling the server noce. Post authentication by the Admin, users are authorised to perform MPC actions with the server Node.

High level flow

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